Thursday, 24 June 2010


Just wanted to explain why I'm a little quiet at the moment on your blogs, I've got exams and am going CRAZY with revision...hence why I don't have much time for blogging and commenting. When my exams finish next Wednesday I still won't be able to comment as I have prom on Friday then fly to Majorca for 16 days at 7:00AM. I'm thinking of you guys and can't wait to have time to catch up :)

Food wise, yesterday I was pretty binging, but didn't wasn't too bad, I'm just worried that I will get away from England, get out of routine and decide to starve for a while. I DO NOT want food to ruin my holiday.

I've got my Biology exam and I'nm FREAKING OUT. Properly scared. Argh.

Okay, there you go, my quick update, hopefully I'll be able to give a nice long post before I go away, but if not, good bye for a few weeks!!


Eating With Others said...

Just remember TRANSITIONS! Your ED will go nuts right now but with everything going on it's harder to fight it. Try and stay safe.

Not purging was a huge success for you. I'm very happy for you. And good luck on the tests.

Anonymous said...

good luck in your exams sweetie.
i hope you do as well as you hope too.

Sarah Coggrave said...

Good luck with your exam chick...I know these are hard times, but things won't always be this stressful. You've had lots of victories recently, in spite of all the exam stress, just hold on in there. You can do this.

Sarah x

Anonymous said...

Good luck for your exams! And have fun at prom, because you deserve it :)
Take care,
Cassie x

A@ Please Don't Eat Me! said...

good luck with your exams sweet thing!! you will do great!

any victory over ED is still a victory- dont forget!!!!!

i hope your vacation does bring any anxiety with it..

NabilaHazirah said...

you have so many exciting things coming up! have fun on your holiday and good luck for your exmas. give your best!


Sairs said...

Good luck in your exams and have a good prom night!