Friday, 21 May 2010

A hippo AND a hypocrite.

I keep commenting on your blogs about how you deserve more than an ED, and how life will be better for you. And I truly believe that. For you. I, however am exempt from this...does that make me a hypocrite? The fact that I say you are stronger than an ED, yet I feel so so much weaker.

I feel like a hippo. But only a baby hippo :) Which is an improvement. I have lost 8lbs in about a month, which I'm fairly pleased with. I've got my target. I've told my mentor the weight which I want to get to (don't worry, at this weight my BMI is still very healthy). I am always honest with her about my weight and have given her my permission to intervene and tell my parents if I drop below my goal weight.

SUMMER is coming. I can feel it in my bones, and boy does it make me feel happy! I am doing a fair bit of travelling this summer - 16 days with my 5 best girls in Majorca, a week in Venice with the family, a week in Cornwall with the family and 5 days at Christian camp :) SUPER excited.

1. Where are you going on holiday?
2. If you have been to any of the places I have listed about, what do you recommend doing/seeing?

Thank you all again for commenting. I can't believe you will actually take the time to do it, it makes my day!!!


quinn said...

you're not a hypocrite, honest. it's much easier to give advice on eds than it is to take it.

ooh, your summer sounds awesome :) have funn. venice is beautiful, you should definitely buy a venition mask cause their are just soo wonderfully crafted and go in a gondala (spell?) ;)


Eating With Others said...

It's so much easier to give advice than to follow it. Of course it's so easy for you to just listen and do what I say not what I do.

Summer? I have to work :-( Oh well maybe next year.

mariposai said...

You're not a hypocrite hun. Every single one of us is probably better at giving advice than actually following it. I do the same. This does not make the advice less valuable, and I find all advice and perspectives useful.

I've been to Venice - it was probably very amazing, but I was too hot and sunburnt at the time to appreciate it in its entirety!

As for holidays, I have none booked, but I am hoping for a day at the seaside, building sandcastles, if that counts?! ;)

Sarah x

Petal said...

Aw thank you! and what you say, and the advice you give, whether or not you follow it yourself, does not make you a hypocrite, as Sarah said, all of us are probably better at giving advice than following it!

Ohhh, whereabouts in Cornwall are you going on holiday? I'm not going away this year, I'm a poor student, I can't afford too! but I am moving to Cornwall for the final year of my degree so i suppose that's almost a holiday! I'm jealous that you're going to Venice, I'd love to go there!


Anonymous said...

i do not think that you are a hypocrite at all at all.
i've never been to anywhere that you are going but i do certainly hope that you have a lovely time. i'm not going on holidays this year, well not until october or so. i would love to go to cornwall and venice.

Anonymous said...

If you're a hypocrite I'm a hypocrite. And I don't want to be one, so you aren't either. Deal? I enjoy your comments very much. Thank you dear. Pretty sure you are fantastic. You are not a hippo, I can tell. Don't think of yourself that way dear.

And what fun vacations! It's always nice to get away :)

Love, Andy

Sairs said...

You are definitely not a hypocrite, I have done exactly the same in the past myself. I think everyone does. As long as you have someone helping you that is even better, so they can intervine if it does go too far.

Anonymous said...

Ahh, I always feel like a huge hypocrite too for giving advice that I don't take myself. I do that all the time. I used to go on an online recovery board and I advised people to seek help when I never did that for myself until a couple of years ago. I think it's always harder to take your own advice than to dish it out. It's okay though, and doesn't make you a hypocrite. You are stronger than your ED too though.
Have fun on your holiday :)
Take care,
Cassie x