Sunday, 29 August 2010

Home for good.

Yesterday I returned from my final holiday. I'm so glad to be home, I've missed my friends!
So the birthday was fun, went out for a delicious meal, opened presents etc. Thanks so much for all the birthday messages!
After 3 LONG weeks I was reunited with the boyfriend :D For my birthday he got me a beautiful pearl and sapphire necklace. We then went to my best friend's BBQ, and she had brought me champagne and made me a 3 tiered cake! I'm so lucky to have such amazing friends.

Got a very exciting week ahead, going to go around shops and give out my CV tomorrow (any tips are welcome!) Then going shopping. On Tuesday I'm meeting my cousins girlfriend for the first time which will be fun. Then Wednesday the boyfriend is taking me out for a meal. And Friday is sushi day with my friends!!

Food wise I'm not feeling great. My mind is in LOOSE WEIGHT mode. Sorry for the random post - just getting back into the swing of things.


. said...

besides your last few sentences you sound very happy and upbeat! that's a great sign. now you just gotta get your mindset back to HEALTHY and i know you can do it :)


Anonymous said...

Sounds like you're really happy! I hope you get a job in a shop. It's what I want too. The tip I'd give you is: dress to impress & show your spontaneous side. Good luck and just enjoy life = )

Sairs said...

I agree that you sound happy and that is awesome. I'm glad you had a good birthday too and that you have some nice things planned for the week ahead. Keep smiling :-)

Anonymous said...

Aw, you're friends are so nice! It just goes to show how much people care about you. It sounds like you have a busy week ahead of you-- have fun!

Wishing you well,